The benchmark truck and trailer transportation dealership for temperature management and energy optimization.”

“We provide exceptional customer service and expert advice to maximize our customer’s ‘uptime’ and reduce their long-term operating costs by providing innovative options designed to meet their market demands.”


Open Communication: We respectfully and immediately discuss situations, concerns, options, ideas and cautions with the appropriate stakeholders during day-to-day operations.

Customer-Focus: We are in business to serve our customers by providing the best possible value to them.  Our processes and actions are guided by what is best  for our customers: both internal and external.

Respect: We treat our stakeholders with the highest level of professionalism in all our business dealings.

Continuous Improvement: We will find innovative ways to optimize our resources while serving our internal and external customers.

Empowerment and Investment: We empower each other to make decisions so we may learn as a cohesive team. Our people are our most valued resource, we will continuously invest in recruiting and retaining ‘best-in-class’ personnel.

Honesty and Integrity: We employ the highest level of business ethics above all other characteristics.

Our Hours

Monday to Friday
6:00am- 4:30pm

Contact Us

(24 Hours)

986 Wall St
Winnipeg, MB
R3G 2V3

Our Location

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